Friday, August 28, 2009

All things went well.

Gandalf is back from operation! :) missed him for not sleeping under the bed last night. but he's ok. thank God. now he's got stitches. it looks disgusting :S

This is the one reason why I never wanted to be a vet. yes I do love animals. but I hate seeing them under a...blade?! I would probably faint on spot if I were to see some animal being cut up. not into pieces but just even a gash or something. ulrghhh.

Am studying my undang now. will be sitting for the test on Sunday :D let's all hope I pass! haha!
I tried driving my MyVi at home. around our housing area. I almost killed my brother and mom :P HAHAHAH! but it was funny. they were all screaming at me to slow down at the bumps. so I panicked since they were all shouting and making a fuss. I stepped on the break so so hard that my mom slide off her seat and hit the dashboard. my brother at the back fell on the floor of the car at the back. then they laughed. so I obviously laughed along :)

Second time, making a u-turn with the help from mom on the stirring. it's complicated since you have to kinda accelerate and break at the right time. so again, they were all shouting and screaming at me. I stepped on the break again. mom 'flew' again. and Gabriel fell again along with my files and blazer at the back seat. ROFL! yes we all laughed like mad people.
It was fun. I think I would give the driving instructor a heart attack when I go for my first drive in that Kancil car. AHAHAHAHHAH! can't wait though :P

1 comment:

Nubi said...

Sorry so lambat but forgot to wish you earlier.
Haha. Ahem.