Monday, January 11, 2010

Whoopdidoo :P

My ear has finally recovered. I can hear things now. after almost 3 weeks. sigh. so much better now :) I'm happy.

OH! my first post for the new year huh? hahaha. hmm, ok year 2010's resolutions :)

1) lose weight. I've been putting on a lot of weight ever since I stopped, well, everything. I'm so out of shape.
2) to drive on my own with out my parents :)
3) learn to cook. don't laugh.
4) join a gym. yeap, definitely need that.
5) NO DIET :D although I wanna lose weight but that doesn't mean I'll eat less. food is good! I'll just exercise more.
6) keep my room neat and tidy throughout the year. let's see if this works out or not :P

That's about it for now. I think. yeah. oh, I've decided to take up the internship at Cempaka. not sure on what but most probably sports. mmhmm. but the field is gone >( grr.

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